
choose blossom color  pink | red | blue | violet | white | yellow | orange | muticoloured | greenish | brownish | inconspicuous

Blütenfarbe wählen  rosa | rot | blau | violett | weiß | gelb | orange | mehrfarbig | grünlich | bräunlich

Dahlia 'München'
Image Dahlia 'München'
Dahlia 'München' flower
Christmas rose, Black hellebor
Image Helleborus niger
Helleborus niger
Sweetscented bedstraw, woodruff, Sweet woodruff, Wild baby's breath, Master of the woods
Image Galium odoratum
Galium odoratum
Lily of the valley
Image Convallaria majalis
Convalleria majalis
Plantain lily 'Blue Boy'
Image Hosta 'Blue Boy'
Hosta 'Blue Boy'
Caucasian crosswort
Image Phuopsis stylosa
Phuopsis stylosa flower
Old father live forever
Image Pelargonium cotyledonis
Pelargonium cotyledonis flower
Coral bell 'Cajun Fire'
Image Heuchera villosa 'Cajun Fire'
Heuchera villosa 'Cajun Fire'
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